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Primary research

I have started my primary research by taking photographs of my daily journeys. Focusing mainly on what I see and what catches my attention. Often it is the edges of pavements and alleyways where many varieties of plants seem to flourish alongside the anthropogenic alterations of our environment.

Flowers grow from the concrete but are derided to the weed category of plant life by society and often under attack by the local council chemical spraying department. However, as with all of mother nature you see its strength as it grows through man made substances seeking sun and water like all other life. I can still see the beauty of it and it reminds me of the resilience to survive which we are all facing in our lives right now. The vibrant colours and shapes is what attracts me to see them in the first instance. Unfortunately, what also catches my eyes is the vast quantities of rubbish everywhere, left on the ground and blowing around.

As there are so many photographs to experiment with, I decided that grouping them into categories would be most appropriate. The photographs below portray the contrast between the beauty of nature and the human destruction of it.

I am interested in the way you can now distort photographs and create a collage on your smartphone. So I use this medium to experiment with my photographs. Having a computer and camera in your pocket at all times is a digital ball and chain we live with but I am learning to come to peace with it as I experiment with my art and explore the creative technologies within it.

Photographs takes on a road in Sherwood and at Nottinghamshire wildlife trust (Mansfield Rd)

Photographs taken at Nottinghamsire County Hall (in the car park)

Photographs taken around the streets of Sherwood Nottingham

Photographs taken around the streets of Sherwood Nottingham

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