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Proposal for Specialist Studio practice


Statues of miners depicting the county’s mining history designed by local Nottingham artist Robert Kiddey. (County Hall Nottingham)

Project theme

Nature in the urban landscape is my starting point and initial line of enquiry. For the last year I have been working outside on twelve-hour shifts, so the weather has been a huge influence on me. Therefore, my personal journey and feelings will be the main substance for my body of work.

Initial Experimentation

Photography will be my starting point, capturing and recording my everyday interaction with the urban environment and my observations of nature within those parameters. Developing a series of small mixed media sketches which are a reaction to nature in a semi abstract visual format.

Potential outcomes

I hope to complete a series of paintings as an outcome. I will consider colour, scale and mark making in the process to develop a “style” in my work.

Contextual research

I will research and react to a variety of landscape painters. Looking at colour, expressive mark making with a view to departing from literal to the semi abstract. I am particularly interested in looking at the work of Jackson Pollock, Gerhard Richter and the early nineteen century Romantic painters who explored an interest in human psychology, expression of personal feelings and an interest in the natural world.

Project evaluation

I will use my social media platforms and my blog to evaluate the project and receive critic from them whilst developing their growth. I shall also keep a sketch book and a thought journal as well.

I am keeping my time scheduling in my journal and a have put specific guidelines for completion of projects such as social media posting of work in progress and blogging.

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