Moving into colour and still life , colours in religious paintings were a important element in implying meanings . In the golden era of Dutch art, still life paintings were extremely popular due to the increase in wealth and art used to depict the celebration of life and identity.
Artists developed distinct styles throughout the Lowlands: Rubens and Anthony van Dyck in Spanish-controlled Antwerp, Rembrandt in Amsterdam, Vermeer, Pieter de Hooch, and Carel Fabritius in Delft.
On one side, the generally sombre scenes are read symbolically through the lens of Christian religious traditions, often underscoring life’s transience (the proliferation of rotting fruit, withered flowers, and slowly draining hourglasses offer sobering examples of memento mori, reminders of death). Alternatively, scholars assess the artist’s skill in employing an array of visual effects in these banquet scenes, floral arrangements, or vanitas paintings. But while still life’s are generally thought to be devoid of narrative, certain deeper meanings come into focus once you look beyond the metaphors and showy artistic tricks.
Henri Matisse“ . . . I think that nothing is more difficult for a true painter than to paint a rose, since before he can do so, he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.”
Henri Fantin-Latour
“(T)o make a painting representing things as they are found in nature . . . (I) put a great deal of thought into the arrangement, but with the idea of making it look like a natural arrangement of random objects. This is an idea that I have been mulling over a great deal: giving the appearance of a total lack of artistry.”

Charcoal and white chalk on newspaper.

Charcoal and white chalk on course pink paper I liked the way the colours on the newspaper in the sketch above became part of the drawing. It also changes the hue of the charcoal and pastel. Pink as a feminine colour.

Coloured pastels on sugar paper Orange and red harmony with a complementary opposite of blue from the colour wheel Orange is a colour that provokes an immediate reaction. What is it about the colour orange that makes it so effective? In some cultures, it’s considered a sacred hue, while in others it’s a symbol of royalty. Bold and dynamic, orange is used to signal danger while at the same time create a sensation of excitement.

pink and green pastel on sugar paper A bible = Eve Box = Pandora Candlestick = ? Clara Peeters Still Life with Fish, a Candle, Artichokes, Crab, and Prawns (1611). One of the only female Flemish artists who exclusively painted still life’s in the 17th century, she was also one of the first known artists to incorporate self-portraiture into still-life paintings. Struggling with the composition the objects are elongated and partly of the page

coloured chalk pastels , charcoal pencil . Composition !!!!!!

Coloured pastels and white for highlights. A colour experiment purple and orange

Coloured pastel on pink paper I like the pink , yellow and grey colour combinations . I will experiment further with these colours. Feminine colours ??